Презентация на тему "Countries and languages" 7 класс

Презентация: Countries and languages
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  • Презентация: Countries and languages
    Слайд 1


  • Слайд 2

    Answer the questions.1.Where are you from?2.How many languages do you know?3.What foreign languages do you know?4.Do you speak French or German?5.Would you like to learn French6.Is you English quite good?

  • Слайд 3


  • Слайд 4

    1. What are the official languages of the United Nations?

    A)English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic B) English, Russian, French, German, Spanish C) English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

  • Слайд 5

    1 A) English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic are the official languages of the United Nations.

  • Слайд 6

    2. Which of these written languages is the oldest?

    A) Greek B) Egyptian C) German

  • Слайд 7

    2 b) The oldest language is Egyptian’ which is 5 000 years old.

  • Слайд 8

    3. Which of these languages has the largest vocabulary?

    A) English B) French C) German

  • Слайд 9

    3 a) English has the largest vocabulary with approximately 500 000 words

  • Слайд 10

    4. Which is the most widely spoken language in the world?

    A ) English B) Russian C) Mandarin Chinese

  • Слайд 11

    4 c) Mandarine Chinese is spoken by 700 million people ( 70 % of the population of China)

  • Слайд 12

    5. Which language has the most letters in its alphabet?

    A) Russian B) Cambodian C) Hindian

  • Слайд 13

    b )Cambodian has 72 letters

  • Слайд 14

    6. Which sub-continent has the largest number of languages?

    A) India B) South America C) North America

  • Слайд 15

    6 a) 845 languages are spoken on the Indian sub-continent

  • Слайд 16

    7. Where do they speak Dutch?

    A) Denmark B) the Netherlands C) Jamaica

  • Слайд 17

    7 b) They speak Dutch in Holland (the Netherland)

  • Слайд 18

    8. From which languages did the word “sputnik” come into the English language?

    A) Russian B) Greek C) Latin

  • Слайд 19

    8 a) The word ”sputnik’’ came into English as well as into many other languages from Russian

  • Слайд 20

    Foreign languages connect us with other cultures.-Past simple-Future simple-Present Countinuous-Present Perfect-Present Perfect Countinuous

  • Слайд 21
  • Слайд 22
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