Презентация на тему "Discoveries in microbiology"

Презентация: Discoveries in microbiology
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Презентация на тему "Discoveries in microbiology" по иностранным языкам. Состоит из 4 слайдов. Размер файла 2.4 Мб. Каталог презентаций в формате powerpoint. Можно бесплатно скачать материал к себе на компьютер или смотреть его онлайн с анимацией.


  • Презентация: Discoveries in microbiology
    Слайд 1

    Discoveries in Microbiology

    Moscow 2017 State budgetary vocational educational institution The health Department of the city of Moscow "Medical College № 7" branch "Novogireevskiy"

  • Слайд 2

    Alexander Fleming He was born on the 6 of August in 1881in Ayrshire,ScotlandHe diedon the 11 of March 1955 at the age of 73 Alxander Fleming was a British bacteriologist Following the example of his older brother, Thomas, who worked as a doctor, Alexander also decided to study medicine Research Fleming made a great contribution to the development of medicine

  • Слайд 3

    ZinaidaErmol'eva She was bornon 27 ofOctober in 1898 inFrolovo, RussianShe diedon2 of December in 1974 at the age of 76 Soviet scientist-microbiologist and epidemiologist She graduated from the medical faculty of Donskoi University, in the 1921 year The young scientist all more and more interested in a new in essence the scope of Microbiology – biochemistry of microbes

  • Слайд 4

    Jenner Edward He wasborn: on the 17ofMay in 1749 in Berkeley (Gloucestershire) He died: on the 26 of January in 1823at the age of 74 Edward Jenner was an English doctor, pioneer of smallpox vaccination At the age of twelve, he was sent to study surgeon. Then in London he studied anatomy andworked in the hospital At thirty-five he was already a respected physician and a surgeon in Gloucestershire

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