MarkTwain (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910)
SamuelLanghorneClemenswasbornin Florida, Missouri, on November 30, 1835. HewasthesonofJaneand John Marshall Clemens (1798–1847). His parentsmetwhenhisfathermovedtoMissouriandweremarriedseveralyearslater, in1823.He wasthesixthofsevenchildren, butonlythreeofhissiblingssurvivedchildhood: hisbrother Orion (1825–1897), Henry, who died in a riverboat explosion (1838–1858), and Pamela (1827–1904). His sisterMargaret (1833–1839) diedwhenhewasthree, andhisbrotherBenjamin (1832–1842) diedthreeyearslater. Anotherbrother, Pleasant (1828–1829), diedatsixmonths.Twainwas born two weeks after the closest approach to Earth of Halley's Comet.
In 1847, whenTwainwas 11, hisfatherdiedof pneumonia.Thenext year, he became a printer's apprentice. In 1851, hebeganworkingas a typesetter and contributor of articles and humorous sketches fortheHannibalJournal, a newspaper owned by his brother Orion. Whenhewas 18, heleftHannibalandworkedas a printerinNewYorkCity, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati.
Throughout 1868, Twainand Olivia Langdon corresponded but she rejected his first marriage proposal. Twomonthslater, theywereengaged. InFebruary 1870, TwainandLangdonweremarriedin Elmira, New York, where he had courted her and overcome her father's initial reluctance.Shecamefrom a "wealthybutliberalfamily," andthroughherhe met abolitionists, "socialists, principled atheists and activists for women's rights and social equality,"
Twainwasfascinatedwithscienceandscientificinquiry. Hedeveloped a closeandlastingfriendshipwith Nikola Tesla, and the two spent much time together in Tesla's laboratory.
His predictionwas accurate—Twain diedofa heart attack on April 21, 1910, in Redding, Connecticut, one day after the comet's closest approach to Earth. Twain'sfuneralwasatthe "OldBrick" PresbyterianChurchinNewYork. He isburiedinhiswife'sfamilyplot at Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira, New York. TheLangdonfamilyplotwhereheisburiedismarkedby a 12-foot (two fathoms, or "mark twain") monument, placed there by his surviving daughter, Clara. There is also a smaller headstone. Althoughheexpressed a preferenceforcremation, he acknowledged that his surviving family would have the last word.
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