Piramída Heópsa
PiramídaHeópsa (Khufu) is the largest of the pyramids of Egypt, the only one of the seven wonders of the world, preserved to our days.
The structure of the pyramid
1. main entrance 2. entrance, which made Al-Ma'mun 3. crossroads, "Cork" and Al-Mamun made the "bypass" 4. a descending corridor 5. an unfinished underground Chamber 6. the ascending corridor 7. "Queen's Chamber" outbound "vent" 8. Horizontal tunnel 9. the great Gallery 10. the Chamber of King with "vent" 11. Antechamber 12. the Grotto
The construction of the pyramid of Cheops
It is believed that about 4000 architects, painters, stonemasons and artisans did preparatory work for about 10 years and then started the construction of the pyramids. According to Herodotus, 100000 workers who followed each other every three months, the great pyramid of Cheops was built approximately 20-25 years.
It is believed that the ancient Egyptians mastered in geometry, and knew about "the number PI and the golden section", which affected the proportions of the pyramid of Cheops and the angle. The same angle used for pyramid of Maidum pyramid
But it is possible that this is coincidental, as the angle is not repeated, all subsequent pyramids have other angles. A particularly fanatical advocates of mystical theories suggest that this particular pyramid built by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, and the rest of the Egyptian pyramids were built by the Egyptians, trying to copy her
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