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  • Презентация: Queen Elizabeth II
    Слайд 1

    QueenElizabeth II

    Автор: Котилевская Екатерина Алексеевна, учитель английского языка, МКОУ «Вихоревская СОШ № 2»

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    Biography& her family Political life Interesting facts Resources

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    Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, in London, to Prince Albert, Duke of York (later King George VI), and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.

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    Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, this is the full name of the Queen, became queen at the age of 26

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    Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II are married since 1947. Elizabeth met her future husband, Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, in 1934 and 1937.

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    The royal family lives in Buckingham palace

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    Princess Anne is Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's only daughter

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    They also have a son Prince Charles

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    In 1969, she officially made Prince Charles her successor by granting him the title of Prince of Wales. Approximately 200 million people tuned in to see the ceremony on television.

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    Lady Diana FrancesSpencer married Prince Charles in 1981and became Princess of Wales. 

    They had two sons Prince William and Prince Harry

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    Elizabeth had two more children—sons Andrew and Edward—in the early 1960s.

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    Prince Andrew served as a helicopter pilot in the British Royal Navy during the Falklands War of 1982. He returned home safe and well much to his mother's relief. 

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    Queen Elizabeth's son Prince Edward married wife Sophie in June 1999 in Windsor, England.

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    On 29 April, 2011 Elizabeth’s grandson, Prince William, and Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, got married

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    Then, they welcomed their first child, a son named George Alexander Louis

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    On May 2, 2015, Prince William and Kate Middleton welcomed their second child, a daughter and the Queen's fifth great-grandchild. Her name is Charlotte

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    Elizabeth likes to spend her free time on quiet pastimes. She likes to read mysteries, work on crossword puzzles and even to watch wrestling on television.

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    Elizabeth has surrounded herself with dogs. She is known for her love of corgis. Also, she is a horse enthusiast and attends several racing events each year.

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    Queen Elizabeth II is Britain's 40th monarch since William the Conqueror was crowned.

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    There have been 12 U.S. Presidents during her reign.

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     Elizabeth was the first British monarch to celebrate her diamond wedding anniversary.

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    Elizabeth has visited Australia 16 times, Canada 22 times, Jamaica 6 times and New Zealand 10 times.

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    The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh have sent over 37,500 Christmas cards during her reign.

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    Elizabeth has 30 godchildren.

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    In 1969, the first television film about the family life of the royals was made

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    In 1986, the Queen became the first British monarch to visit China.

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     She speaks fluent French and often uses the language for audiences and state visits. 

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    Her real birthday is April 21, but it is celebrated officially in June.

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    Queen of England holds the title of Supreme Governor of the Church of England. Her duties in the Church of England to appoint archbishops, bishops, and deans of cathedrals.

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    Queen Elizabeth’s role in English politics is symbolic. She takes no official stance on British policy or regarding any British political parties.

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    The Queen, as Head of State, has the power to declare war, to make peace, to recognise foreign states, to conclude treaties, and to take over, or give up, territory, on behalf of the United Kingdom.

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    One of the Queen’s most important duties are the administration of charities. The issues her charities address vary widely from helping children to preserving the environment.

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    The Queen also introduced numerous reforms to the monarchy. In 1992, she offered to start paying income and capital gains tax. Though the Queen has not very little official power, when she speaks, Britain and even the world listens.

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    http://engmaster.ru/topic/4166 http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2114386_2114388_2115566,00.html http://hollowverse.com/elizabeth-ii/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/queen_elizabeth_ii http://cs.mcgill.ca/~rwest/wikispeedia/wpcd/wp/e/Elizabeth_II_of_the_United_Kingdom.htm

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    Источники изображений

    http://news2world.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/1333686817_7581_queen-elizabeth-ii3.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5f/Elizabeth_II_greets_NASA_GSFC_employees,_May_8,_2007_edit.jpg/280px-Elizabeth_II_greets_NASA_GSFC_employees,_May_8,_2007_edit.jpg https://rooklaneweddings.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/q-e-wedding.jpg http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1749934/thumbs/o-QUEEN-ELIZABETH-BLING-570.jpg?5 http://www.euromag.ru/storage/c/2012/12/29/1356782271_727890_62.jpg http://imperor.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Queen-NZ-copyright-owned-by-Royal-Household4.jpg http://www.peoples.ru/love/elizabeth-philip/elizabeth_36.jpg http://politicalstreet.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/2a5-queen-40p-bw-799x1024.jpg https://theroyalcorrespondent.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/qeii5.jpg http://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/2013/12/16/888/n/1922398/2fc236de74afa624_111655440_10.jpg.xxxlarge_2x/i/Queen-Elizabeth-II-shared-her-annual-Christmas-Day-message-2003.jpg http://www.metronews.ru/_internal/gxml!0/r0dc21o2f3vste5s7ezej9x3a10rp3w$b0tbfegq9vivz3qleb0jvdymuzh12m/000_DV1563666.jpeg http://www.redom.ru/img_storage/original/2008/3/elizaveta_ii_s_korolevskoy_semey.jpg http://www.etoday.ru/uploads/2009/12/03/queen_elizabeth_ii_1953_2.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Philip_Alexius_de_Laszlo-Princess_Elizabeth_of_York,_Currently_Queen_Elizabeth_II_of_England,1933.jpg?uselang=ru

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    https://wingsofwhimsy.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/charles60thbday_wingsofwhimsy-kopi.jpg?w=730&h=903 http://i1.cdnds.net/12/22/618x480/pa-11069249.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/27/article-2150663-004A477200000258-405_634x502.jpg http://images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/106/590x/secondary/73798.jpg http://img2-3.timeinc.net/people/i/2007/news/071112/helen_mirren.jpg http://img2-3.timeinc.net/people/i/2007/news/071112/helen_mirren.jpg https://pmchollywoodlife.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/princess-charlotte-mario-testino-royal-family-portrait-ftr.jpg?w=600 http://s1.ibtimes.com/sites/www.ibtimes.com/files/styles/v2_article_large/public/2015/04/29/kate-middletonprince-william.jpg http://www.go-today.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/shutterstock_14445784_Buckingham_Palace.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7d/40/f7/7d40f738cbb2b326b996962ccdce3578.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/main.stylelist.com/media/2010/12/princess-anne-wedding-portrait-1973-590bes121610.jpg http://media4.popsugar-assets.com/files/2013/05/02/785/n/1922398/bc6de55be38fc648_86000625_10in8WTe.xxxlarge_2x/i/Queen-Elizabeth-son-Prince-Edward-married-wife-Sophie-June-1999.jpg

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    http://i0.wp.com/vipmedia.globalnews.ca/2015/04/queen-elizabeth-2.jpg?crop=0px%2C0px%2C594px%2C396px&resize=720%2C480 http://www.kleo.ru/img/news/wide-2.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.stylelist.com/media/2013/04/queen-elizabeth-style-main-1000km041813-06-1366383078.jpg http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2015/news/150216/queen-elizabeth-1-800.jpg http://rack.1.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDE1LzAyLzAzLzk1L3F1ZWVuZWxpemFiLjQ0NGExLmpwZwpwCXRodW1iCTg1MHg4NTA-CmUJanBn/8bc03a96/007/queen-elizabeth-corgis.jpg http://i2.wp.com/royal-fans.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Queen-Elizabeth-II-and-The-Duke-and-Duchess-of-Cambridge-on-the-balcony-at-the-Council-House-Photo-C-AP-Rex-Getty-Images.jpg?resize=2197%2C1463 http://oxu.azstatic.com/uploads/W1siZiIsIjIwMTUvMDUvMjEvMTUvMTQvMDgvODU0L2tyYWxpY2EuanBnIl1d?sha=d6a21cf8 http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2012/specials/royals/brit-maternity/queen-elizabeth-2-660.jpg http://blogs-images.forbes.com/anthonydemarco/files/2014/06/AP299414750024_1.jpg http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Queen+Elizabeth+II+Official+Visit+Paris+Day+lAr6230_T_Wl.jpg menu

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