Republic of Singapore
Republic of Singapore - the city-state located in Southeast Asia, consisting of the main islands, PulauUbin, PulauTekong, Sentosa and more than 60 tiny islands.
Singapore - a parliamentary republic. The head of the state - the president. Legislature - unicameral Parliament. The head of government - the Prime Minister. Language Official Language: Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English. Most Singaporeans speak English.
Religion, Currency
About a third of people profess Buddhism,the same percent confess Confucianism 20% Malays and some other ethnic groups - Muslims, Hindus have, 13% Christians, 15% - atheists. Currency International name: SGD The Singapore dollar is equal to 100 cents. Also free circulation in the country of Brunei dollar is equated to Singapore.
Located on the island city-state of Singapore - one of the most colorful and interesting places of Asia. Mixed different cultures, surprisingly harmoniously ultra-modern skyscrapers and colonial buildings, stunning landscapes, gorgeous parks, an abundance of historical and cultural attractions attract a huge number of tourists. Singapore is also a major global trading center and one of the main ports of Asia
Security The general order in the streets, even in the most remoted areas of the city is very high and supported by law enforcement agencies.
National characteristics of Singapore. Traditions The penalty for a cigarette butt thrown on the street is 500 Singapore dollars, even if you just missed by urns. Smoking in public places - from 700 to 1,000 Singapore dollars, in many institutions, smoking is allowed only in strictly defined hours. Chewing gum generally outlawed. Using foul language in a public place or uttering threats to the interlocutor (even rhetorical!) can result in a fine of up to 3,000 Singapore dollars. Using drugs is punishable by long imprisonment, and their importation and sale - the death penalty without appeal. For foreigners, in most cases they violate the local rules fairly lenient, but repeated offense or apparent unwillingness to respect the local laws could end very badly.
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