Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждениесредняя общеобразовательная школа № 7 города Алексеевка Белгородской области
Урок английского языка по теме: «School clubs» Класс: 5 «Б» Выполнил: учитель английского языка Марковская М.В. г. Алексеевка, 2013-2014 уч. год.
Talking about school clubs
Our school clubs invite you!
[u:] drawing musician nature singing tennis photography Find the word with the sound:
[ʧ] drawing musician nature singing tennis photography [u:] Find the word with the sound:
[e] drawing musician nature singing tennis photography [u:] [ʧ] Find the word with the sound:
[ɔ:] drawing musician nature singing tennis photography [u:] [ʧ] [e] Find the word with the sound:
[f] drawing musician nature singing tennis photography [u:] [ʧ] [e] [ɔ:] Find the word with the sound:
[ɪ] drawing musician nature singing tennis photography [u:] [ʧ] [e] [ɔ:] [f] Find the word with the sound:
S U P E R !!! drawing musician nature singing tennis photography [u:] [ʧ] [e] [ɔ:] [f] [ɪ]
Make up questions. Use the words from the table:
Our school clubs invite you! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Here are more clubs. Read about them.
Which club would you like to choose? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Why do we attend different school clubs?
Write an advert for your favourite school club
Use the texts on p.30 if necessary
Homework: SB: ex.97 p.31 by heart; WB: ex.20, 21 p.11
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