Презентация на тему "Teenagers fashion" 10 класс

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  • Презентация: Teenagers fashion
    Слайд 1

    Teenagers fashion

    By Anastasia Zavyalova 10A

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    To talk about different teenagers styles of clothes

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    1. Analyze different styles of clothes. 2. Make examples (photos, names of subcultures)

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    1. Casual 2. Sporty 3. Preppy 4. Vintage 5. Punk 6. Formal 7. Hippie

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    Casual style. It includes comfortable and practicaly clothes. It characterized by «random» combinations of different brand's clothes.

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    Sporty: when you wear things from sports costume with everyday clothes.

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    Preppy. Some typical preppy styles also reflect traditional upper class New England leisure activities, such as polo, sailing, hunting, fencing, crew rowing, lacrosse, golf, and rugby.

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    Vintage. Retro, short for retrospective, or "vintage style" usually refers to clothing that imitates the style of a previous era.

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    Punk. Early punk fashion adapted everyday objects for aesthetic effect: ripped clothing was held together by safety pins or wrapped with tape

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    Formal style. It includes strict dresses or costumes. We wear formal clothes on a work or in school.

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    Hippie chic: baggy clothes, peace signs, headbands worn around the head, ballbottoms, tie dye, bright colors

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    Thanks for your attention :3

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