Curious andinterestingfactsfromthelifeofJaneAusten
By Kristina Kravchuk
The English writer whofirstgavethenovel a moderncharacterbymakinginhimeverydaylife.
Jane Austennevermarried, andallherstockofunspentmotherlylovemovedtohismanyniecesandfewliterarycrea
tion. Thenovel "Prideandprejudice" shecalled "mybelovedchild".
The first 25yearsofhislifeJaneheldinHampshire.
Still considered the "Firstlady" ofEnglishliterature
Her mostfamousnovel "Prideandprejudice" wasinitiallyrejectedbythepublisherwhofounditboringandinsignifi
Most famous works are "Pride and prejudice", "Mind and sensibility", "Persuasion“, “Emma”.
Currently, a widerecognitioncametoheronlyinthe XX century.
According to a surveyofmodernauthorswhowriteromancenovels, herbook "Prideandprejudice"
Her novel "Sanditon" wasrecognizedasoneofthetenmajorlostworks, whichlostworldliterature. Shestartedwritingit a fewmonthsbeforehisdeathanddidnothavetimetofinish.
Jane Austen is buried in Winchester Cathedral, near the middle of the Northern nave. “It is important for
me to know that she is resting in the building, which was so admired," wrote later Cassandra Austen.
Cassandra destroyed many of the letters sisters; 160 letters have survived, but no written before her
twentieth birthday.
After the death of Jane Austen her brother Henry announced its authorship. "Emma"
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