Презентация на тему "Формы глаголов"

Презентация: Формы глаголов
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Скачать презентацию (1.46 Мб). Тема: "Формы глаголов". Предмет: иностранные языки. 48 слайдов. Добавлена в 2016 году.

  • Формат
    pptx (powerpoint)
  • Количество слайдов
  • Слова
    английский язык
  • Конспект


  • Презентация: Формы глаголов
    Слайд 1


    Электронное учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся средних общеобразовательных учреждений Автор: Пасишниченко В. А. п. Белоярск pptcloud.ru

  • Слайд 2


    Курс для начинающих Лексика Грамматика(видо-временные формы) Устные темы Тесты и контрольные задания Кроссворды Ребусы Поле чудес

  • Слайд 3


    Тест 6 Тест 8 Тест9 Тест5 Тест 4 Тест7 Тест 2 Тест 3 Тест 1

  • Слайд 4


    Английский для начинающих Алфавит Цифры Цвета Времена года Месяцы

  • Слайд 5


    Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Анимированный алфавит 1

  • Слайд 6
  • Слайд 7
  • Слайд 8
  • Слайд 9
  • Слайд 10
  • Слайд 11
  • Слайд 12
  • Слайд 13
  • Слайд 14
  • Слайд 15
  • Слайд 16
  • Слайд 17
  • Слайд 18
  • Слайд 19
  • Слайд 20
  • Слайд 21
  • Слайд 22
  • Слайд 23
  • Слайд 24
  • Слайд 25
  • Слайд 26
  • Слайд 27
  • Слайд 28
  • Слайд 29
  • Слайд 30
  • Слайд 31
  • Слайд 32


    1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 341 three hundred and 2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two forty-one 3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 1,000 a thousand 5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 1,000,000 a million 6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty 3,657 three thousand 7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy six hundred and fifty-seven 8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety 10 ten 20 twenty 100 a hundred 2

  • Слайд 33


    red purple green white(белый) black grey(серый) blueorange brownуellow 3

  • Слайд 34

    Времена года

    Spring Весна Summer Лето AutumnОсень WinterЗима 4

  • Слайд 35


    January январьJuly июль Februaryфевраль Augustавгуст Marchмарт Septemberсентябрь Aprilапрель Octoberоктябрь Mayмай Novemberноябрь Juneиюнь Decemberдекабрь 5

  • Слайд 36

    Схема видо-временных форм глагола

    Past Present Future

  • Слайд 37

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s)

  • Слайд 38

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving)

  • Слайд 39

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) He has played football. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 40

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has + Ved, V3) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 41

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has + Ved, V3) April, 10 April, 11 April, 9 He willplay football tomorrow. (will + V) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 42

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving) April, 10 April, 11 April, 9 He willplay football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 43

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving) April, 10 April, 11 April, 9 He willplay football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He willhave played football tomorrow by 5 o’clock. (will have + Ved, V3) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 44

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving) April, 10 April, 11 April, 9 He willplay football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He willhave played football tomorrow by 5 o’clock. (will have + Ved, V3) He will have been playing for 20 minutes at 5 tomorrow. (will have been + Ving) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 45

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving) April, 10 April, 11 April, 9 He willplay football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He willhave played football tomorrow by 5 o’clock. (will have + Ved, V3) He will have been playing for 20 minutes at 5 tomorrow. (will have been + Ving) He played football yesterday. (V3,V-ed) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 46

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving) April, 10 April, 11 April, 9 He willplay football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He willhave played football tomorrow by 5 o’clock. (will have + Ved, V3) He will have been playing for 20 minutes at 5 tomorrow. (will have been + Ving) He played football yesterday. (V3,V-ed) He was playing yesterday at 1 o’clock. (was, were + Ving) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 47

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) They had finished the work by 2.03 p.m. yesterday. (had + Ved, V3) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving) April, 10 April, 11 April, 9 He willplay football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He willhave played football tomorrow by 5 o’clock. (will have + Ved, V3) He will have been playing for 20 minutes at 5 tomorrow. (will have been + Ving) He played football yesterday. (V3,V-ed) He was playing yesterday at 1 o’clock. (was, were + Ving) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3)

  • Слайд 48

    Past Present Future He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing. (am, is, are + Ving) They had finished the work by 2.03 p.m. yesterday. (had + Ved, V3) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving) April, 10 April, 11 April, 9 He willplay football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He willhave played football tomorrow by 5 o’clock. (will have + Ved, V3) He will have been playing for 20 minutes at 5 tomorrow. (will have been + Ving) He played football yesterday. (V3,V-ed) He was playing yesterday at 1 o’clock. (was, were + Ving) He has played. (have, has + Ved, V3) He had been playing for 20 minutes at 1.20 yesterday. (had been + Ving)

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