Презентация на тему "History about ghosts" 6 класс

Презентация: History about ghosts
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  • Презентация: History about ghosts
    Слайд 1

    History about ghosts


  • Слайд 2

    School rescue

    The family moves to the hometown after death of mother . Children, the sister and the brother, Джон and Мэри, have to attend very unusual new school in which their mother studied earlier.Establishment consists of two buildings: old and new. Children teach in new while in old, according to legends, dozen of ghosts live. It seemed – hearings, but children managed to checked on own skin the truthfulness of stories about ghosts.At the first day of studying the brother and the sister came into the old building of schoolsuddenly the headless biker was carried by; in a them refresh meat room the spirit of the girl; was watching at the children and then the huge evil tried to kill children.

  • Слайд 3

    Children saw the diary with writings about the ghosts living in the grown decrepit building. It has methods of their exorcism from school students. One thought wondered that someone was engaged in the similar strikes at school. Even more frightening appears that writings belonged to mother. How she was involved in all the events?

  • Слайд 4

    They lived in thishouse

  • Слайд 5

    Old school New school

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