Winter Olympic Games 2014
S p o r t i s F u n !
Past Simple Tense
yesterday ago Subject+Ved/2 + last week last month last year
Let`s have a rest!
One, one, one. Run, run, run. Two, two, two. Go to the zoo. Three, three, three. Climb a tree. Four, four, four. Touch the floor. Five, five, five. Swim and dive. Six, seven, eight. That`s was great. Nine and ten. Count again.
You can swim and play football, Hockey, tennis, basketball. You can jump and you can run You can have a lot of fun!
I can play
I can
Write 3 sentences in the Past Simple Tense Напиши 3 предложения в простом прошедшем времени
Good luck in sports!
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