Презентация на тему "Past simple (indefinite) tense"

Презентация: Past simple (indefinite) tense
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Презентация powerpoint на тему "Past simple (indefinite) tense". Содержит 20 слайдов. Скачать файл 0.22 Мб. Самая большая база качественных презентаций. Смотрите онлайн или скачивайте на компьютер.

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    pptx (powerpoint)
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  • Презентация: Past simple (indefinite) tense
    Слайд 1

    Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense Минулий неозначений час

  • Слайд 2

    Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

    Минулий неозначений час виражає одноразову або постійну дію в минулому часі: He smoked a cigarette and left the room. They lived in Poltava before the war. виражає повторювальну дію в минулому:I saw her every day. She came to our house many times.

  • Слайд 3

    Ключові слова: yesterday last week/month/year a week ago the other day He graduated from the university last year. Минулий неозначений час

  • Слайд 4

    to work (працювати) ed Минулий неозначений часправильних дієслів I worked. You worked. We worked. They worked. He worked. She worked. It worked.

  • Слайд 5

    Минулий неозначений час якщо дієслово закінчується на –e,то в Past Indefinite перед –edвона не пишеться:to love – loved -yміняється на -і (після приголосної) to study – studied, to cry – cried to play – played кінцеві приголосні –l,–r,та інші в односкладовому слові подвоюються: to travel – travelled, to stop – stopped

  • Слайд 6

    Минулий неозначений часнеправильних дієслів змінюється корінь слова, відповідає другій формі у таблиці неправильних дієслів:to write – wrote to have – had to go – went to put – put to have – had to be – was (однина)/were (множина)

  • Слайд 7

    Change sentence into the Past Tense 1. I am at the library today. 2. Ann and Tom are at the theatre tonight. 3. Alex is at work this afternoon. 4.It is cold this week. 5. You watch TV every night. 6.We smile a lot these days. 7. I talk on the phone every day. I was at the library yesterday. Ann and Tom were at the theatre last night. Alex was at home last afternoon. It was cold two weeks ago. You watched TV yesterday night. We smiled a lot the other days. I talked on the phone yesterday.

  • Слайд 8

    Change sentence into the Past Tense 8. We walk to school every morning. 9. Sue always asks many questions. 10. They are not at home tonight. 11. The teacher explain the rule right now. 12. It usually rains a lot in autumn. 13. You clean the house every week. We walked to school yesterday morning. Sue asked many questions. They were not at home last night. The teacher explained the rule few minutes ago. It rained a lot in autumn 2009. You cleaned the house two weeks ago.

  • Слайд 9

    Change sentence into the Past Tense 14. They discuss news on Mondays. 15. We play basketball on weekends. 16. Mike lives in Kyiv. 17. I visit my parents every Sunday. 18. Nick and Garry work together. 19. You behave strange these days. 20. She is nervous today. They discussed news last Monday. We played basketball last weekends. Mike lived in Kyiv in 1994. I visited my parents last Sunday. Nick and Garry worked together. You behaved strange the other days. She was nervous yesterday.

  • Слайд 10

    Change sentence into the Past Tense 21. My neighbors are often noisy. 22. I am very tired tonight. 23. You are quiet all week. 24. George shaves every morning. 25. We always cook dinner together. 26. Lucy studies a lot this month. 27. I often stay at home on weekends. My neighbors were noisy yesterday. I was very tired yesterday night. You were quiet last week. George shaved yesterday morning. We cooked dinner together. Lucy studied a lot last month. I stayed at home last weekends.

  • Слайд 11


    Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense did not + дієслово was / were not + дієслово I did not work yesterday. You were not late for a concert. She was not at school two days ago.

  • Слайд 12


    Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Did – підмет – присудок Was / were – підмет – присудок Did you work yesterday? Were you late for a concert? Was she at school two days ago?

  • Слайд 13

    Let’s practice: ask your neighbor play the piano / last weekends eat breakfast / at 11 a.m. run / yesterday morning drive a car / two weeks ago study English / last year be born in Ternopil be in bed / at 2 a.m. Did you play the piano last weekends? Did you eat breakfast at 11 a.m.? Did you run yesterday morning? Did you drive a car two weeks ago? Did you study English last year? Were you born in Ternopil? Were you in bed at 2 a.m.?

  • Слайд 14

    Let’s practice: ask your neighbor 8. visit relatives / last month 9. learn geography / five years ago 10. wear a dress / yesterday 11. swim in the lake / the other days 12. ski / last winter 13. live in Lviv / in 2010 14. play hockey / at school Did you visit relatives last month? Did you learn geography five years ago? Did you wear a dress yesterday? Did you swim in the lake the other days? Did you ski last winter? Did you live in Lviv in 2010? Did you play hockey at school?

  • Слайд 15

    Let’s practice: ask your neighbor 15. watch a movie / yesterday night 16. read a newspaper / at the morning 17. grow potatoes / last spring 18. travel / in summer 19. be at the post office / yesterday 20. be at home / last weekend 21. drink coffee / in the morning Did you watch a movie yesterday night? Did you read a newspaper at the morning? Did you grow potatoes last spring? Did you travel in summer? Were you at the post office yesterday? Were you at home last weekend? Did you drink coffee in the morning?

  • Слайд 16

    Let’s practice: ask your neighbor 22. pay bills / last month 23. eat ice-cream / on Monday 24. go shopping / last weekends 25. sleep well / yesterday night 26. gather mushrooms / last autumn 27. be at the library / last Thursday 28. have dinner at the restaurant / yesterday Did you pay bills last month? Did you eat ice-cream on Monday? Did you go shopping last weekends? Did you sleep well yesterday night? Did you gather mushrooms last autumn? Were you at the library last Thursday? Did you have dinner at the restaurant yesterday?

  • Слайд 17

    Let’s practice: translate into English 1. Я грав у футбол минулої суботи. 2. Мій друг вивчав німецьку мову в школі. 3. Ми готували салат вчора. 4. Ти закінчив школу два роки тому. 5. Вони обговорювали фільм о 5 годині. 6. Джон працював у лікарні. 7. Марк жив у столиці три роки. I played football last Saturday. My friend studied Germanat school. We cooked salad yesterday. You finished the school two years ago. They discussed the film at 5 o’clock. John worked at the hospital. Mark lived at the capital for three years.

  • Слайд 18

    Let’s practice: translate into English 8. Ми дивилися історичний фільм на днях. 9. Майк одягав костюм вампіра на Хеловін. 10. Я телефонував(ла) тобі вчора двічі. 11. Вчитель повторив запитання. 12. Наші сусіди запросили нас на вечерю. 13. Брат допоміг мені написати звіт. 14. Анна любила пити капучіно взимку. We watched historical movie the other days. Mike dressed vampire costume on Halloween. I called you twice yesterday. The teacher repeated the questions. Our neighbors invited us for a dinner. My brother helped me to write a report. Ann loved to drink cappuccino in winter.

  • Слайд 19

    Let’s practice: translate into English 15. Сюзен плакала увесь день. 16. Діти стрибали в басейн. 17. Вони насолоджувалися відпочинком. 18. Волонтери прибирали місто. 19. Вона переїхала в інше місто. 20. Мама почистила яблуко своїй дитині. 21. Він ремонтував наші велосипеди. Susan cried the whole day. Children jumped to the pool. They enjoyed their rest. Volunteers cleaned the town. She moved to another town. Mother peeled an apple to her child. He repaired our bicycle.

  • Слайд 20

    Let’s practice: translate into English 22. Поїзд прибув о 7 ранку. 23. Я залишилась вдома вчора ввечері, тому що була втомлена. Сара завершила домашнє завдання опівночі. Тоні багато жартував і ми сміялися весь вечір. Заняття розпочалось о 5 годині. The train arrived at 7 a.m. I stayed at home last night, because I was tired. Sarah finished her homework at midnight. Tony joked a lot and we laughed all evening. The lesson started at 5 p.m.

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